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1703 Messaggi

Inserito il - 20/04/2011 : 09:01:35 (4970)  Mostra Profilo Invia a Info-Forum un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Un anno fa Giancarlo ci ha inviato dagli USA un "panaro" di uova...Sono ancora fresche!!!
Buona Pasqua a tutti!

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Regione: Umbria
Prov.: Perugia
Città: Bastia Umbra

265 Messaggi

Inserito il - 22/04/2011 : 10:07:52 (4968)  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'Homepage di Pesciolino  Invia a Pesciolino un messaggio Yahoo! Invia a Pesciolino un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Jesus was an only son
As he walked up Calvary Hill
His mother Mary walking beside him
In the path where his blood spilled
Jesus was an only son
In the hills of Nazareth
As he lay reading the Psalms of David
At his mother's feet

A mother prays, "Sleep tight, my child, sleep well
For I'll be at your side
That no shadow, no darkness, no tolling bell,
Shall pierce your dreams this night."

In the garden at Gethsemane
He prayed for the life he'd never live,
He beseeched his Heavenly Father to remove
The cup of death from his lips

Now there's a loss that can never be replaced,
A destination that can never be reached,
A light you'll never find in another's face,
A sea whose distance cannot be breached

Well Jesus kissed his mother's hands
Whispered, "Mother, still your tears,
For remember the soul of the universe
Willed a world and it appeared.
(Bruce Springsteen)

Buona Pasqua

ciao, Francesco

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